How to make a video screen capture on my computer or Mac ?

Some missions on the platform are 'Screen recording' missions, meaning that you need to record your experience while commenting it orally. To do so, we advice you to use :

  • If you're using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, you should use It's a really simple tool which let you record your screen and voice without installing any software or plug-in. Please find below is a tutorial on how to use it.

Once on the website , hit the Record button in the middle of the page, then select Screen only so that you only record the screen and not your webcam. A window should pop-up, authorize the access to the mic and then hit the image representing your screen and then on 'Share'. (On Chrome) a red signal next to the tab indicates that you're currently recording. Once the step completed, hit Stop recording. You can now check that the video is good thanks to the integrated player, then download the video and upload on Ferpection !

  • If you're using another web browser, you can install the Nimbus screen capture plug-in available here, picking up the right plug-in according to your web browser. You'll find below a video tutorial to help you understand how it works.

Reminder : You need to make one take for each step of the brief and orally comment what you see and feel during the experience. You'll then just need to quickly write down what you talked about in the video vous devez effectuer une capture d'écran vidéo pour chaque point du brief et commenter à l'oral votre expérience en décrivant vos actions. Il vous suffit ensuite de décrire rapidement à l'écrit le point abordé pour chaque point du brief.

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