Important: what is it about registering on Tryber and the partnership with Unguess?

Updated by Thibault Geenen

Ferpection is now part of the Unguess group: you can register as a tester on Tryber, the joint community we share between Ferpection and Unguess. You can learn more about this through the official press release here.

The Ferpection panel itself will close on 31/10/2024 so it's better to directly join on Tryber.

If you have already gains on your Ferpection account, they will be available on Tryber from 01/11/2024. When creating your account on Tryber, use the same address you registered with Ferpection so that we can retrieve your information.

You can still write to us after 31/10/2024 at to ask us your questions about your account.

Ready? Join us and become a tester on Tryber!

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